Product Specifications
Brand: | Honda |
MPN: | 11395-KYJ-900 |
Previous MPN: | 11395-KYJ-901 |
Manufacture Title: | GASKET L. |
Product in these Categories: | Engine (1420) Engine Gaskets/Seals (309) |
Honda 11395-KYJ-900 Left Gasket Rebel CT CRF 300 CBR250R CRF250L CBR300R 11395-KYJ-900
Replaces Previous MPN: 11395-KYJ-901
Honda 11395-KYJ-900 is Compatible with the following Vehichles:
Rebel 300 ABS: 2017-2019
Rebel 300: 2017-2019
CRF250L Rally ABS: 2017-2020
CRF250L Rally: 2017-2020
CRF250L ABS: 2017-2020
CRF250L: 2013-2020
CBR300R ABS: 2015-2022
CBR300R: 2015-2022
CBR250R Repsol: 2013
CBR250R ABS: 2011-2013
CBR250R: 2011-2013
CB300R ABS: 2019-2022
CB300R: 2019-2022
CB300F ABS DCT: 2018
CB300F ABS: 2017-2018
CB300F: 2015-2018
ATV/UTV>Engine>Engine Gaskets/Seals